
Showing posts from June, 2021

Deep in the jungle doom Part - 3

 Now we solve the monster problem also and next we start visit in the jungle again we saw a table .on the table a fruit basket. Zoe is not agree to eat this fruit but zoe friend didn't listen her advice . they start eating . zoe friend turned into a moster. Zoe forget her and start runing . zoe friend was alone but suddenly he listen a voice and meet a ban name boy . he help to make humans again for zoe friend. They give solution and start searching a  for heart shape  fruit. But in again visting he meet a  muglani women warrior. They was very dangerous. They told to help. But we reject the help. And now they want kill me and Ban . we start running. But at the end they catched him. They taken for yourself. At the end of me and ban story. 


So, Now let's start the further story. Next zoe and other friends visit the jungle . See everthing. you know before they faced a big problem of flower . That flower was very dangerous . But he tried to slove that problem . Now next they start walking in jungle and zoe fell hungry . He want to eat something he start searching food and they found some fruits . This fruit small is very delicious or tasty. They eat that fruits .they all are ready to face new problem because thay know .this jungle is not common jungle. Thay see a dragon . This dragon look like a stone and dragon face is very scared . They start running . They  see a  trunnel. They entered in the tunnel . They running very fast in tunnel . They tried to run away the dragon.and they sucess to run away the dragon. They have only one piece pf palooka. Let' see next what will happen. They sucess to find out the stone or not. And challenges they faced?

Deep in the jungle of doom

Hello everyone , Today l read a novel and yoday shared my story what is the story about .so, lat's start my novel story.                   NOVEL  DEEP IN THE JUNGLE DOOM: Character:- junior explorers , Mr. Wheedle , kids and Zoe. This is the story about JUNIOR EXPLORER ADVENTURE CLUB. this story about a advertunre of jungle.A group or friends go to visit jungle. They all are findind a stones. This stones search evey biggest scientist . Everyone startingresearch this stone in jungle. Mr.wheedle , many kids and zoe goes to vosit this jungle .they divided into team.  This jungle is very scared and doom. Anyone not want to go this jungle but this group is go this jungle . they to talk to one another and see many thing like:- rocks ,stones and different type of flower. In group one friend go to touch the flower but her friend zoe stop to touch this flower . l think this is poisionic flower. I know zoe is very intelligent tjat by l tell...

Our Technology Al

AI Technology. The video is all about technology and also technology original stages. In this video I saw there is many people depend on the robot. All the things are happend by robot The speaker said that Now a days technology is a part of our life. Because In whole world day by day technology is developing. In this video I learnt about artificial technologies, writing printing press,artificial intelligence,Machieve learning,algorithms, computer vision, bio data, object recoginization etc. In  this video I saw that there is a small baby. He controlled by computer there is one doctor he controlled the baby He tell duck So baby also tell duck. This is a very big fact what a day that baby is also depened on technology. And ln our mind baby robot search these things like duck and spider. He was try to understand the thing. and there is many robots those working in company retail market and robots are also helping the doctors. Now a days robots doing people jobs. Yes I know technology ...