
Showing posts from May, 2021

Advertisement Of MS Dhoni 's Super Bat

Hello everyone my name is Hema Pal and Today l am sharing my Advertisement of Ms Dhoni's Bat. Firstly  l go to introduce my advertisement . this is all about a Bat. So, Lat's start my advertisement.         🎆🎆🎉🎉  This is the Biggest Offer  🎉🎉🎉              ðŸŽ‡ðŸŽ‡ðŸŽ‡   who is the lucky person 💥💥💥💥              ðŸŽ„🎄    This Biggest Day Date is 28 June 2021 🎄🎄                        Link of my website:-  WWW. Cricket bat @           In Delhi           Near by laksmi Nagar                                                                     Today l am Selling ...

My story form the Earthquake

My Story From the Earthquake Hello everyone ,my name is Hema Pal. Today l am share a story for earthquake. First l tell about why earthquake come?       An earthquake is what happens when two blocks of the earth suddenly slip past one another. The surface where they slip is called the fault or fault plane. ... Scientists can't tell that an earthquake is a foreshock until the larger earthquake happens. The largest, main earthquake is called the mainshock. That reason earthquake. So, let start the story- It had been an average day in the office, conference calls, report writing, fighting off the mosquitoes that plague us here in Haiti. My clock showed just 10 minutes until it was time to leave for the day, when without any warning the ground made slight movements, which rapidly became violent. The earth shook harder than I have ever felt before, I ran to the door but could not get out. I hid under my desk, my hand pressed up against the surface protecting my head, hoping it...

My story from Earthquake

Hello everyone this is the story about earthquake . Firstly, l tell about why earthquake come? An earthquake is what happens when two blocks of the earth suddenly slip past one another. The surface where they slip is called the fault or fault plane. ... Scientists can't tell that an earthquake is a foreshock until the larger earthquake happens. The largest, main earthquake is called the mainshock. Now, let's start my story. It all started when we were at school on a Monday. It was just after lunch time and we were doing this week’s maths and santosh,  vivaan, kritika. I  were correcting our work. We were just getting ready to do English when everything started shaking. Things were flying everywhere. It was an EARTHQUAKE! Santosh, Vivaan, kritika and I all ducked for cover while everyone else stood there, too scared to move. Even the bravest boys in the class didn’t move! It shaked like jelly and it was the scariest earthquake ever! A bookshelf fell on top of the girls. The hea...

A advertising agency

 Invisible ink :- A one company make a ink . they was telling to every big diller we made a invisible ink and this is very unique ink in the world but people don't want to believe .because they know that how can this is possible? They tell every one if you don't want to believe so its OK. They ignore this . he start the advertising the ink .he made many big big banner of ink . he write in banner this ink is one of the best of best ink . this ink is not available for any company or any store they available only for my company .he is stating to tell about the quality of ink. When you write only one you able see sometime you not able see . only you can able to see a lenses they lenses we also give you for ink. Many company buy this ink now in business he is the big business man .he have many company of ink. But this ink is really good for everyone that thing told company owner.

Invisible ink

26 May 2021 One day l coming _ saw a person running _ suddenly he fallen _ he stood and start running _ forget our box on road _ l picked him up _ taken yourself in home _ l opened the box _Saw the  box was in ink _ l think ink not useful _ l used in wrote a letter _l did not see the letter_ l Pro the ink in garbage _ Next day l saw_ in news sawing this ink _ in news speaking ink missing _ thousand year old ink missing _ Most important link missing missing _  when l saw the news_ l don't  want believe this ink _ But when l  saw my letter there no anything wrote _ now l believed _  Asking to mom? _ Did you pro all the garbage in garbage van _  Yes ,but happened _ there was any ink box _ No,  mom said _ l didn't see any ink box  _ Now l start searching everywhere _ and ask my all family members _ but l did not get anything _  after search every home _ after three days l got ink box _ on my roof _ ink was empty _ l realised my mistake_ every thi...